Back & Hand Pain…From More Clinical Work

This is on top of my management, marketing and administrative work already in Phoenix Rehab Physio & Hand Singapore clinics. Back pain is from the additional sitting, funny cos I advise patients to NOT sit too long or stay in a spot for too long as that often leads to additional ergonomic/repetitive strain related problems, … Read more

Start Ups & Entrepreneurs, You NEED Cashflow

This is a rant. I’ve met so many…too many aspiring enterprises and entrepreneurs, who are blinded by their “big dreams” of “being” an entrepreneur, that they fail this most basic concept of entrepreneurship and business: That ALL businesses and start-ups need cashflow, to survive, thrive and grow. It’s so frustrating at times, when I come … Read more

You’re You, So Play It YOUR Way

I’m coming back to the topic of “personalized playstyle”, and it bears mentioning again because it’s just so dang easy to be caught up when you look left and right, and see people who are more successful than you, and be tempted to follow the way they walk, talk, carry themselves. It’s perfectly okay to … Read more

Health Is One Of Your Most Precious Resource

There’s two funny and sad saying in healthcare in Singapore: They’re…unfortunately have truth behind it, but it’s a global phenomenon – it happens in the United States, Australia, China, Japan – wherever. Some outliers are those “happy” Scandinavian countries which are great inspiration for now, and I hope that our countries will progressive head that … Read more

In the face of death, our truest self materializes

This is the self that is either forgotten due to busyness or hidden away for fear of rejection, or no difference if we’d always been open ha. When I sat in the quietest of moments in the hospital, waiting for my appointment to do a heart MRI to make sure I dont have a specific … Read more

What do you feel when and after THAT hospitalization?

Someone asked me this just the other day, and it reminded me of that experience there. It was…a surreal experience, especially when I nearly died in November 2023. I checked myself into Mount Elizabeth Novena on Sunday, 12th November 2023, when I couldnt catch my breath. For items 1-3, happened in the hospital. I was … Read more

Trust fund: get thinking and started

I’ve written a series on my thoughts on starting a trust fund, and today I want you to start thinking about it seriously, especially when you have people, organizations and causes that you care about. Dont think that nothing bad will ever happen to you, ala “smallville”, where bad things only happens to others. Dont … Read more

How to structure generational income from the trust fund

Assuming global ETFs returns are at a conservative 6%, I may allow up to 3% drawdown to pay for expenses related to the trust fund management, and the balance of this 3% to be split into 2 portions: How to split the 90% of the drawdown post expenses Likely the idea will be based on … Read more

A well planned trust will help you transition into your next phase of life

In this case, I am 41 this year. Once I start my trust fund, say by 43, and fund it, it will bring with extreme certainty what I will be doing with my money, time and focus. It becomes so clear: And once the income from the trust fund becomes equal or more than my … Read more