In the face of death, our truest self materializes

This is the self that is either forgotten due to busyness or hidden away for fear of rejection, or no difference if we’d always been open ha.

When I sat in the quietest of moments in the hospital, waiting for my appointment to do a heart MRI to make sure I dont have a specific death-sentence-amyloid, and the second day of waiting to hear from my cardiologist, it was weird.

I felt relatively at peace, like I shared in a previous post. If it was my time to go and that God calls me home, I will follow Him. After all, that’s the highest calling isn’t it.

Funnily my wife also thought the same. Perhaps we’re very practical and faith-based people, because God calls, we go.

I thought of my wife, my kids, Olivia, David and Josh. I thought of my mum and siblings, and my in laws dad, mummy and siblings.

However, this isnt just what this article is about.

One of the best thing you can do, when you’re younger and in pink of health, is to go through this very same exercise, to ask yourself:

If I’m dying, what is my dying wish? Or if I get a second chance in life, what would I change?

If I have 10 more years left, what should I do? Who should I become?

What junk stuff or time fillers I would drop in a heartbeat?

This is to shave away all those useless activities that doesnt bring you closer to God, your true north, your deepest love and calling.

Maybe you’d quit that job you dread and hate.

Maybe you’d say ‘I love you’ to people you love actually, and say sorry to those you hurt.

Maybe you’d start taking care of your own health, your family.

Even start that trust fund for the time after you’re gone from earth.

What would you?

Our time on earth is truly finite. Psalms 144:4 says We disappear like a breath; we last no longer than a faint shadow. That’s why the bible also says to number our days, so that we dont waste our already short life on earth.

That doesn’t mean to live in full hedonism and enjoyment, but to enjoy life the way we were created for God and life.

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