Sipping Coconuts

Happened to chance upon one of the founders / writers behind, and I was so inspired (and deeply reminded) when they told me that in 5 months time, they’re taking a long break together with their three kids (10, 7 and 1) to travel and see the world. To show the kids that there’s … Read more

Never grow a wishbone where your backbone ought to be

I chanced upon this quote, and it resonates well deeply in my soul and mind. 1st application: speaking against what you disagree with that’s not good It’s a stark reminder of me mustering the courage to speak up and against things that goes against my and good values, and to be proponent of good. An … Read more

I Spent $30 On Mobile Game Bullet Echo In-App Purchase (Vi)

I know, shocking…at least for me. I usually think 100 times or more, before spending such an amount on a game, much less an in-app purchase of a new character of this Bullet Echo game that I’m currently reallllllllly into. Yeah. Do I think it’s a waste of money? To an extent, yes. Do I … Read more

Start Ups & Entrepreneurs, You NEED Cashflow

This is a rant. I’ve met so many…too many aspiring enterprises and entrepreneurs, who are blinded by their “big dreams” of “being” an entrepreneur, that they fail this most basic concept of entrepreneurship and business: That ALL businesses and start-ups need cashflow, to survive, thrive and grow. It’s so frustrating at times, when I come … Read more

Are You OK With Being Unpopular?

I’d been writing a series of playing by your game/play-style, and now that I look back and think about it, it’s really a topic about facing your deepest fears — That you may be rejected when when you embrace who you are (ie playing by your playstyle). It’s a bloody deep-seated fear that deep, instinctual … Read more

You’re You, So Play It YOUR Way

I’m coming back to the topic of “personalized playstyle”, and it bears mentioning again because it’s just so dang easy to be caught up when you look left and right, and see people who are more successful than you, and be tempted to follow the way they walk, talk, carry themselves. It’s perfectly okay to … Read more

2023: The Year Of Change & High Interest Rates

2020-2022 where COVID-19 ravaged the world, uprooting global trade, travel and lives, where there were so much sufferings in health (people lost lives and lost health), lost jobs and independence when we were forced be it by law or fear to stay home. I distinctively remembered that during the early COVID years, the uncertainties the … Read more

What do you feel when and after THAT hospitalization?

Someone asked me this just the other day, and it reminded me of that experience there. It was…a surreal experience, especially when I nearly died in November 2023. I checked myself into Mount Elizabeth Novena on Sunday, 12th November 2023, when I couldnt catch my breath. For items 1-3, happened in the hospital. I was … Read more