You’re You, So Play It YOUR Way

I’m coming back to the topic of “personalized playstyle”, and it bears mentioning again because it’s just so dang easy to be caught up when you look left and right, and see people who are more successful than you, and be tempted to follow the way they walk, talk, carry themselves.

It’s perfectly okay to model their business and patterns of their success, such as operational and signature offers as long as you’re competent (or at least building your competence in those areas)….but


Do not forget your play style, your game play, aka you.

You’re made to be you.

You have some nuances, quirks, characteristics, strengths that is ONLY YOU can bring it out. Not a you-who-pseudo-person-xyz. There are people who likes you the way you are, and your job is to find more of such people and take good care of them, providing high quality outcomes at good profits.

These people?

They’re YOUR tribe.

YOUR people.

(Perhaps you may find the love of your life who’s also looking for YOU, who knows.)

If you choose to not be yourself and choose to be someone else, YOUR people wont be able to recognize you. Besides, that someone else’s spot has been taken by that person.

Your spot is reserved for YOU.

So dont forget you, your game play, your play style.

Plus it’s MUCH easier to play the part that you know better than any other, since it’s already reserved for you. Conversely, it’s much harder to pretend to be someone else, someone you’re not.

Yes, there will be haters…so what?

They’re there for many reasons.

  • Some of the reasons is to just shit and hate and troll you, because you’re trying to breakthrough since they failed, they want to keep others down too.
  • Some actually care for you and cant bear to see you hurt when you fail, so they try to hold you back by playing the “concerned” tone.
  • Some just hate you and hate life as a whole. These can be natural enemies (like hyenas and lions are natural enemies), navigate around them and if you have no choice, breakthrough them.

Your job is not to look at them, but to keep your focus and blinders on, and keep adding value AND searching for YOUR tribe and people, and to keep growing.

That’s it.

You dont have time to be distracted by who’s-saying-this-that, you wanna succeed, just keep doing, improving and growing.

Of course, dont be dumb

Be relevant – there are some settings where it doesn’t make sense to stand out for the sake of standing out, such as donning a clown outfit at a funeral / board meeting, or wearing scuba gear when you’re frying an egg.

Do it where it makes sense

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