
Most of my best stuff are reserved for my readers and followers in my newsletter (sign up here).

Here are the general list (affiliate links) of tools, products and services that I either use or have used before that is useful for me to build my businesses, wealth, health and improve my life.

Before digging into these resources I know and use, an important disclosure: Assume the links below are affiliate links, which means that if you choose to make a purchase, I will earn a small commission at NO additional cost to you. I recommend stuff that are useful and I’ve used / still use only. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals.


Wealthy Affiliate: All-in-one Online Business / Lead Gen Training, WordPress, Hosting, Support & More

WordPress is a very, very popular content management system, being used by 45.8% of all websites in the world in 2023, because it’s fairly easy to use. Even this site is based on it.

I chose to host all my sites with Wealthy Affiliate because it’s so easy to use – there’s

  • training (lots of it, and new ones keep coming up)
  • site support to help you with all the technical issues
  • hosting included
  • you can buy and keep domain names there
  • good website speed and backups
  • high security (important!) and
  • good community / network of like minded individuals in there (like me haha)

Create a free account to test-drive before you decide if you’d like to upgrade. No hard selling. I’ve been a member since 2015 =)

Keyword Research For SEO & Organic Leads & Traffic: Jaaxy

To rank higher on search engines, get more organic traffic for leads and sales, you will need to research the best keywords that match what your leads and clients search for online…and ideally find untapped or not-yet-found (emerging) keywords for you to position your brand and websites there first.

Jaaxy will help you to find these niches and keywords for new business ideas or to dig into the deepest corners of your existing niches. It comes with SiteRank to track your SEO ranking live and overall, to aid you in building valuable domains and brands.

Get 30 free searches today.

Email Autoresponder: AWeber

It’s the same one that I’ve been using since 2020s and I pay for using it as well.

Email responders are the tool which you use to build a mailing list, which helps you connect and stay in touch with people who want to hear from you. It’s to build relationships, to hear from them what they need from you and you can build or introduce them good products or services for a fee.

I find AWeber affordable (about $17/month) and simple to use.

Try AWeber for free (free until you reach 500 subscribers).

Digital Marketing: FatJoe

I’ve used FatJoe services for years for their SEO, PR and content writing services.

They also have design & video services too, but I hadnt tried those. If you’re looking to scale your digital marketing outreach to get more clients and traffic, use their services.

Try FatJoe digital marketing services today.


Stock / ETF Brokerages


Word of warning: crypto can be sexy but they can be very volatile too. I have a portfolio of crypto but when anyone asks, I recommend 5-10% max of networth in crypto such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH).

  1. Crypto Profit Secrets [Training]

    2.5 days crypto bootcamp training that helps you to get started in safe and profitable cryptocurrency strategies. You will learn how to invest in crypto such as Bitcoin and Ethereum in less than 48 hours even if you have zero knowledge in them.

    Comes with 2 bonuses too. I have personally (and physically) attended this course and highly recommend it.

    It currently costs $997 but if you’re interested, email me to get a $500 discount code.
  2.’s App + Debit Card [Platform] (use my code n9h6j72gs4 and we both get USD 25 in their utility token CRO).

Credit Card

  1. Standard Chartered (Singapore) – Sign up with my referral code (8CDC8) for you to get up to S$318 cashback or 45,000 miles! Go to SC Singapore page here > “Referral Sign Up” > Key in my referral code when applying for a product: 8CDC8

Vitality, Energy and More Sex

To be have a chance at success and to maintain it, we need to be able to harness energy to perform work sustainably – no point working so hard and much just to fall sick, or worse, get bad sick.

Health Supplements

  1. Men’s Daily Vitamins
  2. Natural Anti Inflammation Turmeric Pills
  3. Nitric Oxide – Blood Flow, Physical, Mental & Sexual Energy

    Fitness & Health Habits

    Sleep Early, Wake Up Early And Dominate Your Day

    1. Avoid coffee 8-12 hours before sleep time
    2. Keep your phone away at least 2 feet away from you
    3. Gratitude Journal before sleeping.
    4. Turn off all lights if possible (at most a little night light if you need)

    Power Morning Rituals

    1. Drink a large glass of warm water first thing in the morning when you wake up – don’t eat anything for the first 30 minutes.
    2. Do not use your mobile devices or computer to answer anything social including email for the first 30 minutes. Instead, walk about, stretch, turn on energizing or motivating background music.
    3. Meditate and pray for 10+ minutes including writing and reviewing what you are grateful for and your life goals.
    4. Exercise and stretch for 30-60 minutes.
    5. Write down your three (3) most important to-do for the day that will bring you closer to your life goals and deep work. Go through your priority list.
    6. THEN only do you eat and work

    Exercise Every Day At Least 15-30 Minutes

    With / by simple daily exercises such as walking, jogging, weights, climbing stairs, whatever. I try to naturally incorporate moving into my life and schedule, such as

    • stopping / parking your car a little further away to introduce a nice 15-30 minutes walk back to home or to car
    • choose to walk to your destination (if it’s under 30 or 60 minutes)
    • choose to live closer to your workplace, and walk or bike everywhere
    • apply an “exercise” toll-gate eg whenever you pass through a door, you have to do at least one (1) specific exercise
    • buy some home exercise or gym machines and equipment

    Intermittent Fasting

    • Duration: at least 10 hours, ideally 16-18 hours
    • Number of days: at least 1 day a week, or more

    Fasting has scores of positive health benefits, from clarity, to digestive health, to endocrine health, to sleep and more. Do check in with your doctor first and you can consider easing into intermittent fasting. Start slow and easy first with 1-2 days a week, and slowly work your way into more days and longer hours.

    Re-readable Book List

    I enjoy a good read – it’s one of those hobbies that are ridiculously cheap, yet amazingly rewarding.

    Think about it: Someone spent months if not years of their life organizing their research and crafting it into a compelling narrative – and you get the best of it for a couple of bucks and a few days of reading!

    It would be easy to list out a random list of books, but the ones I’ve listed here meet at least one of the following two criteria:

    • The book was practically useful and applicable in my life
    • The book had an original, key insight

    The books here are listed in no particular order, and I’ll update them as we go along. This list my “re-readable” books list, where I pick it up again and again to refresh my mind and gain insights.

    Regular Time With Loved Ones And Friends

    At least 2 family, friends or other social events in person, physically per week – online or whatsapp or email is good, but nothing beats meeting in person, where you can

    • hear, sense and feel the different senses (touch, smell, sight, etc) together or
    • visit a new and different place together and make a different memory


    Google Suite (Email, Calendar, Docs etc)

    I love Google Suite, which is also commonly known as GSuite – Google Suite.

    I have been using the paid version since 2014 for all my business and communication emails and calendar tools.

    You will have also access to their Google Sheets, Google Docs and Google PowerPoint and more – very useful and waaaaaaaaaaaay cheaper (and easier) than using Microsoft Office. I also integrate with Google Drive, so that makes it very easy to share work documents that can be updated from everyone.

    I personally and professionally use Google Calendar a lot – I find that anything that goes into my calendar is much more chance of being done, rather than a to-do-list which is great but there is no indication of where what gets done.

    Singapore Telco: Circles Life

    Save $20 off your registration fees by entering MINUS20REG into the promo code section when you first sign up. Read more here.


    Slack and WhatsApp is my bread-and-butter for all if not most of my informal communications with internal team and even external customers, referrals and more.

    Best of all, they’re free to use =)