WordPress Sites Finally Ported!

3 weeks ago, on 4th April 2024, I shared that I was planning to port all my WordPress sites over from another hosting provider to Wealthy Affiliate, and boy was the last 20+ days frustrating. The previous provider then installed a new “security” feature that blocked me from accessing my own dashboard (I couldnt get … Read more

A child’s raw love and giving to God

I was so touched on Saturday 20th April 2024, when I attended children church with my kids – what happened was my oldest kid, Olivia, cupped her 2 hands together, filled with coins and emptied them into the giving basket. I was shocked at first. My mind did a quick calculation, with that amount it … Read more

Sign up to my email now to know my sell strategy for crypto 2024 bull run

The bull run is already brimming and starting to bubble. Bitcoin has hit USD 72K+ and we’re not even blinking our eyes. The boil and overflow is coming and I am set to take my crypto profits this year in 2024. This is a time sensitive information, and I will not repeat my information and … Read more

Allowing “Slack” As A Pre-requisite For Self Care, Productivity & Serendipity

Anything that’s held too tight and taut, leaves little to no room for creativity and to be a decent human being. – Me, 2024 Have you ever experienced speaking to people who are very busy or rushed? You may be curtly stopped or even yelled at or maybe ignored or slow to be responded to. … Read more

Moving Away From Dividend, Growth And Tech Stocks

As I age and observe and learn from investing from bogleheads and their real estate counterparts, as well as learn about the nature of dividend stocks and tech stocks, I am getting increasingly clear that I will likely move away from both dividend, growth and tech stocks. To be even clearer, I am moving away … Read more

How High Could Bitcoin Go This Time?

First up, this is an entirely fun and speculative post. Literally like me conjecting a number out of thin air (or pulling a number out of my ass, as I would call it). To simplify, I just looked with my plain old eyeballs at the previous ATHs (at-the-high) of Bitcoin in the last cycle, take … Read more

Crypto On Meteoric Rise 1Q2024

Christmas came waaaaaaay earlier than expected when Bitcoin (BTC) hit the high of $69,420 in March 2024. Of course I’m thrilled and excited, I’ve been waiting for this bull run since 2021 but the rise seems too fast too strong. And very early too. The halving of BTC isn’t here yet, but that being said, … Read more