Sign up to my email now to know my sell strategy for crypto 2024 bull run

The bull run is already brimming and starting to bubble. Bitcoin has hit USD 72K+ and we’re not even blinking our eyes. The boil and overflow is coming and I am set to take my crypto profits this year in 2024. This is a time sensitive information, and I will not repeat my information and … Read more

Moving Away From Dividend, Growth And Tech Stocks

As I age and observe and learn from investing from bogleheads and their real estate counterparts, as well as learn about the nature of dividend stocks and tech stocks, I am getting increasingly clear that I will likely move away from both dividend, growth and tech stocks. To be even clearer, I am moving away … Read more

Many Roads Lead To FIRE

After meeting one of the founders of, who inspired and deeply reminded me of my reason for FIRE (financial independence, retire early), I dived into their website and realized that they did the traditional fire route: They did NOT get any inheritance, or lottery wins, and just kept trucking to where they are today, … Read more

Your Biggest Enemy Is Yourself

Not that trash-talking jock, or that mean “friend” we all have. Or your seemingly mean neighbour, friends, family. Or maybe you were born poor and in a not optimal household, city or country. It’s you. There’s no one else to point your grubby finger to blame: “He / she did it”. Did what? If you … Read more

Next, Aggressively Cut Unnecessary Expenses

It’s not just how much cashflow and profit you can make, but it’s also how much you can keep. After all, compare these 2 cases: Perhaps you can argue that John is enjoying life more, will have greater networks and perhaps more work / wealth / investment opportunities…but really, who knows? Assuming nothing changes, I’m … Read more

Start Ups & Entrepreneurs, You NEED Cashflow

This is a rant. I’ve met so many…too many aspiring enterprises and entrepreneurs, who are blinded by their “big dreams” of “being” an entrepreneur, that they fail this most basic concept of entrepreneurship and business: That ALL businesses and start-ups need cashflow, to survive, thrive and grow. It’s so frustrating at times, when I come … Read more

Are You OK With Being Unpopular?

I’d been writing a series of playing by your game/play-style, and now that I look back and think about it, it’s really a topic about facing your deepest fears — That you may be rejected when when you embrace who you are (ie playing by your playstyle). It’s a bloody deep-seated fear that deep, instinctual … Read more

You’re You, So Play It YOUR Way

I’m coming back to the topic of “personalized playstyle”, and it bears mentioning again because it’s just so dang easy to be caught up when you look left and right, and see people who are more successful than you, and be tempted to follow the way they walk, talk, carry themselves. It’s perfectly okay to … Read more

Health Is One Of Your Most Precious Resource

There’s two funny and sad saying in healthcare in Singapore: They’re…unfortunately have truth behind it, but it’s a global phenomenon – it happens in the United States, Australia, China, Japan – wherever. Some outliers are those “happy” Scandinavian countries which are great inspiration for now, and I hope that our countries will progressive head that … Read more

You Need To Understand Your Playstyle To Succeed

There are patterns of success and methodologies that you can reverse-engineer to adopt to achieve X or Y type of success (such as earning $100K/year with sales or building a business, be it online or offline) — for those kind, there are Playbooks (think of these as Standard Operating Procedures)… but in this article, I … Read more