Your Biggest Enemy Is Yourself

Not that trash-talking jock, or that mean “friend” we all have.

Or your seemingly mean neighbour, friends, family.

Or maybe you were born poor and in a not optimal household, city or country.

It’s you.

There’s no one else to point your grubby finger to blame: “He / she did it”.

Did what?

If you want to be:

  1. Healthier, fitter and stronger…
  2. Have more money and investments…
  3. Have more ____ (insert anything)

YOU have to build and get it – you cannot outsource your workouts, such as getting someone to do your workouts for you and you get the health benefits. You cannot get your wife pregnant with your kid without you doing the love making yourself. No one’s gonna give you free money and no one’s coming to save you.

The difference between wanting and getting / building

Wanting is a good start, to have the desire to build and get something…but here’s what separate the people who successfully get what they want versus those that dont.

Consistent action that gets to where they want to go and what they want to get.

That’s really it.

The wankers, I mean wanters, typically get stuck in the wanting phase, and does the bare minimum to get to where they want to go. They find all sorts of excuses to NOT get what they want, and they decide to whine, blame, snivel and play a passive aggressive game.

A bit of setback gives them fuel to quickly stop and say “see, I tried, and it’s hard”. One setback and they rest for days and weeks.

Typically they dont want to listen or seek to advice, because they want to hear what they want to hear, that is consistent with THEIR narrative that they prefer.

The builders and getters?


  1. have a system to give them guidance and direction (typically have team of advisors and mentors)
  2. have allowance for errors and mistakes, which are basically taken as data and learning points that course correct their direction most of the time
  3. they keep going, doing, improving, iterating

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