Moving Away From Dividend, Growth And Tech Stocks

As I age and observe and learn from investing from bogleheads and their real estate counterparts, as well as learn about the nature of dividend stocks and tech stocks, I am getting increasingly clear that I will likely move away from both dividend, growth and tech stocks. To be even clearer, I am moving away … Read more

What Would You Do If You Retire Early?

I was asked this question a couple of weeks back by my crypto mentor, and yes, as usual, my brain didnt process it that fast then since it was a sudden question to me, but after a couple of weeks on-and-off pondering the question during quiet moments, I can explore a few answers. Firstly, for … Read more

Many Roads Lead To FIRE

After meeting one of the founders of, who inspired and deeply reminded me of my reason for FIRE (financial independence, retire early), I dived into their website and realized that they did the traditional fire route: They did NOT get any inheritance, or lottery wins, and just kept trucking to where they are today, … Read more