Never grow a wishbone where your backbone ought to be

I chanced upon this quote, and it resonates well deeply in my soul and mind. 1st application: speaking against what you disagree with that’s not good It’s a stark reminder of me mustering the courage to speak up and against things that goes against my and good values, and to be proponent of good. An … Read more

Your Biggest Enemy Is Yourself

Not that trash-talking jock, or that mean “friend” we all have. Or your seemingly mean neighbour, friends, family. Or maybe you were born poor and in a not optimal household, city or country. It’s you. There’s no one else to point your grubby finger to blame: “He / she did it”. Did what? If you … Read more

Are You OK With Being Unpopular?

I’d been writing a series of playing by your game/play-style, and now that I look back and think about it, it’s really a topic about facing your deepest fears — That you may be rejected when when you embrace who you are (ie playing by your playstyle). It’s a bloody deep-seated fear that deep, instinctual … Read more

What do you feel when and after THAT hospitalization?

Someone asked me this just the other day, and it reminded me of that experience there. It was…a surreal experience, especially when I nearly died in November 2023. I checked myself into Mount Elizabeth Novena on Sunday, 12th November 2023, when I couldnt catch my breath. For items 1-3, happened in the hospital. I was … Read more

A well planned trust will help you transition into your next phase of life

In this case, I am 41 this year. Once I start my trust fund, say by 43, and fund it, it will bring with extreme certainty what I will be doing with my money, time and focus. It becomes so clear: And once the income from the trust fund becomes equal or more than my … Read more

Why so adamant on starting a trust?

In a nutshell, it’s good for my future generations (if any) and good for church of Jesus. It’s playing an extremely long game, eventhough I may no longer be physically around to see it grow massively. It will also help with my early retirement and sorting out the important things first, so that I can … Read more

I almost died in November 2023.

NSTEMI, secondary myocardiac infection and heart failure were in my medical documentation. It was scary, and here’s how it happened. Two Fridays ago, I started coughing. It was just a light one – dont all those scary stuff begin with seemingly mild or light situations, but progressively turned darker? I thought it was okay, just … Read more

Saving alone wont make you rich (what you need to do instead to get wealthy)

Being able to save money and manage your spending impulses is a powerful ability, and yet it’s “only” one-third of the wealth equation. What’s the other two thirds? Well, barring being born in a rich family marrying into money hitting the jackpot My other two thirds are tried-and-tested truths: Ability to earn more I’ve said … Read more