Unexpected COVID+ 5 Days Before Christmas 2023

Ah this was unexpected.

2 nights ago, so that’s what, 19th December 2023, I felt an itch in my throat and I started to have a mild cough.

I thought I was just tired, so I thought to just “sleep it off” – boy, 3 AM in the morning, my cough and throat worsened and I got up to take some sore throat and panadol cough and cold and went back to sleep.

The next day, I felt an overall general tiredness, but when it came to evening, it seemed to be getting worse. I thought it was a cold, so I texted my cardio who said to come in to see him….BUT, he asked if I had tested for COVID.

Oh yeah, I totally forgot there’s a surge in COVID cases and other respiratory / flu issues such as rhinovirus that almost killed me in November 2023.

Sure enough, when I tested, the T bar was very, very obvious.


Then my wife decided to test herself for COVID, and sure enough she did! Perhaps it was her who passed it to me, and my daughter who passed it to the third one who passed it to her.

Oh well, merry Christmas to me.

I hope to recover by 24th so I can travel to JB to meet and visit my family there…sad also we had to reschedule our dinner with wifey’s family but it was too close to the date I first got COVID =(

Right now, is day 2 and I’m definitely feeling much better – yesterday day 1 was really tiring, and I had to lie down most of the evening. This morning too.

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