6 Side Hustle Ideas For Single Mums (that you can start within the week)

6 Side Hustle Ideas For Single Mums (that you can start within the week)

Being a single mum is not easy, and I got asked earlier on how single mums can get ahead financially.

Firstly, is to aggressively cut out unnecessary expenses (when money is tight; once we earn more and have more than enough passive income, we can indulge more.) In the beginning, cut out all unnecessary expenses and focus on “core / necessary” stuff, such as basic-level roof over head, food, water, transport etc.

But there is only so much one can cut back on, save and be frugal over – there reaches a point where it’s not beneficial to cut back, and can be detrimental. That’s why I always recommend earning more, and the 6 side hustle ideas for single mums are:

#1 and #2: Care.com and SitterCity.com

Where you can sign up as a baby sitter, carer for older people, run a day care and get paid hourly from $12+ per hour

#3 Fiverr.com

Fiverr is a marketplace for those with specific skills such as graphic / logo design, website and wordpress development, writing and editing as well as other skills can be sold to entrepreneurs and other side hustlers.

It’s a marketplace, so you will have competition, but there are many agencies that started out on Fiverr first before growing to become full independent agencies =)

Use my fiverr affiliate link and we both get $100 (https://nigelchua.com/fiverr)

#4 DoorDash

Doordashing is a concept that pays you to pickup and deliver something (usually food) from restaurants and cafes to customers at their homes and offices.

You can control your time and hours, but they’re only found in US, Canada and Melbourne (Australia) at this point in time.

Registration is quick, and I recommend that you schedule doordashing for stuff that’s along your route anyway (monetizing your journey). I’ve heard of people earning $100/day from door dashing too, so it’s viable.

#5 AirBNB

This one can definitely and easily work for people who have unused rooms – rent out your rooms short term with AirBNB or you can get a realtor to help you secure a 1-3 year tenancy, which is nice extra couple of hundreds (or thousands) depending on how many rooms, seasonality and locations.

#6 is negotiating for a pay raise

But it does require some finesse (of course, this applies to those who are currently working).

You need to calculate

  1. how valuable you are to you the company 
  2. how difficult it is to replace you
  3. ask a reasonably increase based on your scope and lastly,
  4. time it well (asking at bad times decreases success rate)

Only this one shouldnt be rushed to be done within the week unless some golden opportunity arise (such as you scoring well for the company eg onboarding good clients, saving clients etc).

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