Why you MUST having personal accident insurance (affordable and useful)

I had a bad back sprain on 31st July 2022 because…I bought some fruits. For a gathering. Imagine my doctor’s and insurance agent’s face when I told them how carrying some berries sprained my back, lol.

But yeah, no matter how mundance the reason for my back sprain, my personal accident insurance covers my medical and physiotherapy bills (up to a certain extent, of course), which is very useful for me.

Accident plan insurance can be fairly affordable

Currently, I pay $50/month for this coverage, and though I dont like to get injuries and painful accidents, accidents do happen. With this coverage, I can get thousands of dollars cover for medical and physiotherapy treatment in the event of injuries.

This means that whenever these dang unforeseen injuries and accidents happen, I know I can get medical treatments to heal myself to the best level possible, rather than just “wait for it to go away“.

Waiting for injuries to heal naturally…is a crap way of handling injuries. For very, very mild cases, sure. But for medium cases and above, because I am in the line of physiotherapy, hand therapy etc, I know that unmanaged and untreated (or delayed treatments) will 100% lead to sub-par strength, mobility and function eventually. Even disability and chronic pain.

It’s never a good idea to ignore injuries and pains in the hopes it’d go away. Always consult a physician and physiotherapist.

In fact, many health conditions, if treated early, will have little health issues.

It’s mainly things left untreated, to fester, that often leads to bad outcomes. For example, treating cancer at early (benign) stages is always easier and better outcomes (and cheaper) than trying to save someone at the very terrible stage 4. Likewise, treating a simple injury early is much better than waiting for full rupture or infection.

2 powerful reasons for personal accident insurance

Next, the reason why I created this short video is because insurance is a very powerful tool to

  1. protect your health (which I’d covered above) and equally important is
  2. is that it can help protect your wealth

A bad injury or disease can truly wipe out a family’s wealth, and even plunge them deep into debt, without the right health insurance to protect their health as well as financial health.

I’ve met people whose families wealth and money has been wiped out, and they had to sell their homes and assets to pay for medical bills because they “dont believe in insurance”.

While its true that many people will sort of pay and dont use their insurance (which is a good thing), the function of insurance is to provide protection in the event something bad happens.

Insurance is similar to having an umbrella before rain

Kinda like having an umbrella in case it rains. If the weather’s great, sure, it’d be wasted to bring the brolly out…but if it has a heavy downpour with no nearby shelters, you will be very, very glad to have that umbrella.

This is the reason why I carve out thousands of dollars a year for my entire family to be cared for medical wise, and prevent financial crisis in the event a medical event happens.

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