Bitcoin price $500K in 2026 and $1M in 2030?

Carrie Woods predicts Bitcoin prices as

  • $500,000 each by year 2026
  • $1,000,000 each by year 2030

2026 isnt that far, and 2030 too.

Maybe that’s why she and ARK Innovations has been so bullish recently, buying loads of CoinBase shares (COIN) and Grayscale’s BTC (GBTC) close to $300M worth. She mentioned that they’re underpriced, so they locked in an amount for now

What does this mean for me?

Eh, it’s a “nice to know”, but nothing changes for now: I just keep

  • working at my main business and side hustles
  • spend time with people I like and care about
  • doing stuff I like and enjoy

I’ve shared this earlier, that

  • 75% of my investments are “boring” dividend stocks and indices
  • and “only” 25% are in high-risk-high-return-potential growth stocks and crypto

I’m just waiting to hit my sell price

And I’ll take out more profits, leaving some more to run

My target? At least $500K per Bitcoin.

Once Bitcoin hits that figure, my low caps would also have a good run, and I can take out profits from those too, together with my paltry BTC lol.

Where would my crypto profits go?

Into the boring dividend stocks and index funds bruh, nothing sexy — same old same old, keep doing

  • working at my main business and side hustles
  • spend time with people I like and care about
  • doing stuff I like and enjoy

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