Retire Early To Take care Of People You Love

I got a call the other day from one of my friends, and he shared with me very sad news of how his loved one had a fall during a vacation and now is bedbound and needs full time care.

Oh, the sting in my heart, it hurts.

One of the reasons why I speak again and again on getting our finances sorted out, including insurance and retiring as early as possible, is not just to retire and move to another country and chill out, but…also where need be, we can take care of those we love if they’re ill, sick or hurt.

Can be for

  • parents / in-laws
  • spouses
  • fiance / fiancee
  • girlfriend / boyfriend
  • pets
  • ourselves


Deep breath.

This was one of the harder calls of my life, and I choked a few times thinking about it, and it reminded me heavily on “living and traveling light” ie

  • not taking unnecessary loan or mortgage burdens
  • not taking / agreeing to commitments that are long term unnecessarily

The key operative word here is “long term commitments that are unnecessary” as time is a very important finite resource that I will deeply respect and not waste wherever possible.

It doesnt make sense to take on a commitment I dont care about that will lock me in terms of time, energy and effort for longer than I need to.

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