Quick side hustle idea that make money #2 (that’s low cost and profitable)

My rule to quick fast side hustle ideas:

  1. Low barrier for entry: doesnt require you to buy equipment that costs more than $1K
  2. No special skill: doesnt require you to study years for a license, the skill needs to be learnable in hours
  3. Recurring: something that the clients will need on a recurring basis, 1/2/3/4x per month
  4. Scalable: not hard to hire someone to train and do the job

Today’s idea: power washing

  1. Low barrier for entry: this corded power washer costs less than 2 nice dinners and you’re in business baby (we’re talking less than $200 bucks) which you can make back in at least 2 power washing driveways jobs.
  2. No special skill: power washing is also one that DEFINITELY don’t require a license or years of training – start by power washing your own porch and driveway, and a couple of friends to get the hang of it, and you’re good to go already.
  3. Recurring: This is definitely a recurring business, porches and driveways get dirty again and again, probably need around 1-2 power washes a month.
  4. Scalable: It’s definitely easy to hire and train technicians to power wash for your clients; yes, people would be happy to work for you as employees as you deal with growing the business and acquiring more clients. Bonus: there’s a lot more things power washing can do, such as washing walls, carpets, cars etc.

How to get your first 3 power washing client?

This is the key to get your business started, and you can definitely just start off on weekends to keep your day job. Some ways you can start getting clients and leads:

  1. Message a bunch of your closest buddies and ask them to refer someone, something like this: “hey, I’ve started a power washing business and I’m looking for clients who wants clean driveways and porches, can you please refer a neighbour who’d love that? Sweeten this deal by offering a special deal to them for example: refer x number of clients and I’ll power wash your driveway for free this month.
  2. Do the same on social media.
  3. Knock on your neighbourhood doors and tell them directly: “Hey it’s me, my name is ____ and I live in this neighbourhood. I am starting a power washing business and my rate is $X. Would you be happy for me to power wash your driveway/porch/wall/etc this month?” You can offer to power wash a segment of their porch to show them a beautiful before-after.
  4. Initial your business name on the ground as a signature, with approval from your client (you can offer them a discount for this)
  5. Location bundle, if you already have a client scheduled for a date, reach out to the neighbours in the area and let them know that you have a power washing client appointment on that date/time, and if anyone would want a session, then you’d be happy to do a bundle discount since you’re already in the area.

There’s more ways to grow your side hustle too, but start with these.

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