How smart men invest (what you can do today)

Smart men always, always invest.

Always earning and looking to earn more.

You’d have a regular income be it from employment and/or entrepreneurship. It’s an ongoing thing, which you can split into

  1. spending (essentials and luxuries)
  2. investing

You’d be looking to keep increasing your monthly take home and bonuses by increasing your skills, experience and responsibilities over a period of time.

Always trying to increase the amounts saved and for investing every month.

You’d try to squeeze out as much into savings and investments which you can then use for mid and long term investing

Prioritize safe investing approach

80%+ into conservative and “safe-ish” investments such as

  • broad based index funds
  • rental properties
  • public listed dividend stocks

Conservative and safer investments usually brings about conservative and safe-ish returns, between 5-10%. Which is pretty decent, and I gear it this way because the bulk of my hard earned money shouldnt be gambled – it’s meant to work like a machine, day-in-day-out to increase its returns and value to me.

20% into higher risk, higher return

  • growth / tech stocks such as Apple, Google, Alibaba, Netflix, Facebook (Meta), SEA etc
  • cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cronos, and so many other blockchain projects
  • some % into low caps

Growth / tech stocks and cryptocurrency / blockchain projects are pretty similar: they do very well in bull markets with lots of money, but conversely, they can get punished and pummelled badly in bear and down markets. Same goes for low cap which is the highest risk of them all, but with the highest potential returns too.

The goal is a balance trinity flowchart of getting richer by

  1. constant earning more
  2. constant saving more
  3. constantly investing and reinvesting more into conservative and higher return investments

Rinse and repeat until you reach your desired amounts, and even then, dont stop – keep going.

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