
Hey welcome to Blog, where the latest (and greatest!) blog articles are listed here.

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Aug 23, 2024

Chasing butterflies is hard....but easier when you build a garden.


Chasing butterflies is hard....but easier when you build a garden, because instead of chasing, you attract them instead.

Continue reading "Chasing butterflies is hard....but easier when you build a garden."

Aug 22, 2024

David (3 Years Old) Asked Me For A Pet….Dragon


It was the funniest thing to experience when David asked me for a pet dragon - it's so adorable

Continue reading "David (3 Years Old) Asked Me For A Pet….Dragon"

Aug 22, 2024

Met A Poo-poo Man At 138 Lorong Ah Soo

It was 6.30+ AM in the morning, and just a regular Thursday which I bring Olivia to school...

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Aug 22, 2024

Passive Income Lifestyle - What it is and how to build it


What is THE Passive Income Lifestyle and how to build and live this life?

Continue reading "Passive Income Lifestyle - What it is and how to build it"

Aug 22, 2024

Why I Still Like The Passive Income Lifestyle

In 2005 I first chanced upon Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad Poor Dad” book at my classmate’s place during a group project, and it’s that book opened my eyes...

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Aug 22, 2024

Spirit-led Growth & Financial Independence

the-world-is-a-big-place is dedicated to building and living the Good, Rich and Meaningful (GRM) Life.

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Aug 22, 2024

Constantly Reinventing Myself And Staying True To Myself

This two words sort of contradict each other, does it not? How can I reinvent myself yet stay true to myself? Is that a broken loop?

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Aug 22, 2024

Kairos Alignment 2020

This, right here, right now, is the right place to be, with the right persons, and in the right direction.

Continue reading "Kairos Alignment 2020"

Aug 21, 2024

Happy 38th Birthday To Me

Another year has gone by, so quickly too.

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Aug 21, 2024

True Allies Versus Fair-Weathered Friends

True Allies are people who will not only be with you, but also guide you to the right path

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Aug 21, 2024

Less Affiliate Marketing, More Asset Accumulation and Building

I'm focusing less on affiliate marketing and pivoting more to passive asset accumulation and building due to my work in Phoenix Rehab and family commitments

Continue reading "Less Affiliate Marketing, More Asset Accumulation and Building"

Aug 21, 2024

Circuit-breaker aka Soft Lockdown In Singapore 2020

The lockdown was an unusual yet interesting time (other than suffering)

Continue reading "Circuit-breaker aka Soft Lockdown In Singapore 2020"

Aug 21, 2024

Leveling Up Our Consciousness & Actions

This is critical thinking of knowing and choosing what is truly good and important to us and to God, and there is no other way to slice or interpret this.

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Aug 21, 2024

The Wealthiest Place In The World

Do you know the wealthiest place in the world?

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Aug 21, 2024

Don't waste time

Time is the only resource in the world that is not only finite, but is actively dwindling whether you realize or want it or not

Continue reading "Don't waste time"

Aug 21, 2024

Back To Solo Build It, Full Circle

I've come full circle, back to Solo Build It (previously called Site Build It)

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Aug 21, 2024

Choose to do the right thing even when it's highly unpopular

Choosing to do the right thing even though it's not still the right thing to do

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Aug 21, 2024

Goodbye Mrs G (Wiki)

Today I say goodbye to the wife of a friend who passed away too young, from cancer

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Oct 08, 2019

Can't stand the manifestation and visualization stuff


I shared sometime back that I wanted to go back to writing on the passive income lifestyle, and...

Continue reading "Can't stand the manifestation and visualization stuff"

Oct 08, 2019

20191008 Passive Income Online Commission Xtend Life


Today I got commission for a high quality New Zealand based health supplement company I have been using and promoting since 2014 which is called Xtend Life

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Oct 01, 2019

20190925 Clickbank Commission Payment


20190925 Clickbank Commission Payment

Continue reading "20190925 Clickbank Commission Payment"

Sep 26, 2019

Eh Maybe I'll Go Back To Passive Income Focus LOL


Hahaha I may switch back to passive income lifestyle focus...more in article

Continue reading "Eh Maybe I'll Go Back To Passive Income Focus LOL"

Sep 24, 2019

23rd September 2019 $85.16 Passive Income From Xtend Life


23rd September 2019 $85.16 Passive Income From Xtend Life

Continue reading "23rd September 2019 $85.16 Passive Income From Xtend Life"

Sep 24, 2019

23rd September 2019 $33.22 Passive Income From Clickbank Sale


23rd September 2019 $33.22 Passive Income From Clickbank Sale

Continue reading "23rd September 2019 $33.22 Passive Income From Clickbank Sale"

Sep 24, 2019

17th September 2019 $33.03 Passive Income From Clickbank Sale

17th September 2019 $33.03 Passive Income From Clickbank Sale

Continue reading "17th September 2019 $33.03 Passive Income From Clickbank Sale"

Sep 24, 2019

Slight Increase Of Online Sales - Hoping for more!


Remember I said that there may be more passive income coming once I go align in my purpose? Here are some smallish signs I think

Continue reading "Slight Increase Of Online Sales - Hoping for more!"

Sep 22, 2019

I Pulled The Plug And Expanded NigelChua Focus To Personal Development


After years of deliberation, I finally pulled the trigger to expand beyond Passive Income Lifestyle to Personal Development...

Continue reading "I Pulled The Plug And Expanded NigelChua Focus To Personal Development"

Sep 22, 2019

Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE)

One of the first few important life priorities is to build multiple streams of passive income to retire as early as you you can build and explore life.

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Sep 16, 2019

Long-Form Writing, Here I Come


I...actually try my best to write long-form, and to write with minimal distractions and fluff...and I dislike it that people tell me to write short because...

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Sep 16, 2019

So Excited & Exciting To Start Dreaming And Envisioning For NigelChua


I...didn't think I'd be excited but I did get excited to start dreaming and envisioning again for It's nice actually.

Continue reading "So Excited & Exciting To Start Dreaming And Envisioning For NigelChua"

Sep 12, 2019

Structuring and Imagining Concepts For


I'm taking some time to imagine and structure the layout and concepts that I want here in for the mid and long term

Continue reading "Structuring and Imagining Concepts For"

Sep 11, 2019

I'm thinking of going beyond money and passive income (GASP)


I'm thinking of going beyond money and passive income (GASP) - I know, it seems counterproductive but read on...

Continue reading "I'm thinking of going beyond money and passive income (GASP)"

Aug 27, 2019

Hello I'm back! Well, sort of. Some updates here.

After starting my new job in Phoenix Rehab, I'm slowly coming back to updates here.

Continue reading "Hello I'm back! Well, sort of. Some updates here."

Jun 22, 2019

My Consolidated MO: Do Good Do Better Things And Do Things Better


After mulling for years, I've consolidated my life, growth and success approach to: Do Good. Do Better Things. Do Things Better.

Continue reading "My Consolidated MO: Do Good Do Better Things And Do Things Better"

Jun 22, 2019

No Longer Writing Just On Passive Income Lifestyle


Currently I'm deciding to lift the focus purely on passive income lifestyle, to a broader theme of freedom, personal growth, leadership and entrepreneurship.

Continue reading "No Longer Writing Just On Passive Income Lifestyle"

Jun 22, 2019

June 17th 2019 New Chapter In Life


After 18 months of sabbatical since 21st December 2017, 17th June 2019 I officially end my sabbatical and embark on new chapter in my life: more in article =)

Continue reading "June 17th 2019 New Chapter In Life"

Jan 23, 2019

Teething Issues First Semi-Professional Kindle ebook


First draft of my first semi-professional kindle ebook has been completed, and there is some teething issues...

Continue reading "Teething Issues First Semi-Professional Kindle ebook"

Jan 23, 2019

Leaning Towards Personal Development, Growth, Excellence and Courage


Seems That I'm Still Leaning Towards Personal Development, Growth, Excellence and Courage

Continue reading "Leaning Towards Personal Development, Growth, Excellence and Courage"

Jan 21, 2019

I Think I Want To Focus On Topic Of Leadership For


I Think I Want To Focus On Topic Of Leadership For, of course as well as personal development, growth and transformative works....

Continue reading "I Think I Want To Focus On Topic Of Leadership For"

Jan 16, 2019

Fascinating Season Of 2018 and 2019


2018 was an interesting time, and so has the beginning of 2019 show...

Continue reading "Fascinating Season Of 2018 and 2019"

Jan 16, 2019

My First Semi-Professional Amazon ebook Almost Done!


After some delays with first time working with freelancer and handling personal matters, finally there is some progress with my first semi-professional Amazon ebook!

Continue reading "My First Semi-Professional Amazon ebook Almost Done!"

Jan 06, 2019

Friday 4th January 2019, I Dreamt Of Large Ocean Wave...


On Friday 4th January 2019, I dreamt I was in the sea, floating and talking to someone when a large wave appeared...

Continue reading "Friday 4th January 2019, I Dreamt Of Large Ocean Wave..."

Dec 31, 2018

It's A New Year In 2019 And A New Start


It's 1st January 2019, An Entirely Brand New Year And New Start To An Even Better Year

Continue reading "It's A New Year In 2019 And A New Start"

Dec 31, 2018

Joined Authority Publishing Academy On 31st December 2018


I decided to join the Authority Publishing Academy by Scott and Barrie on 31st December 2018 because...

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Dec 31, 2018

Happy New Year 2019!


In a blink of an eye, 2018 is over...and 2019 is just around the corner!

Continue reading "Happy New Year 2019!"

Dec 03, 2018

Post Amazon Kindle Publishing Course Day 1


I attended Dominic Tay's Amazon Kindle Publishing course, and I must say I am pretty impressed...

Continue reading "Post Amazon Kindle Publishing Course Day 1"

Nov 30, 2018

Day 1: Finding A Place To Live


Day 1 of the 21 days Passive Income Lifestyle makeover

Continue reading "Day 1: Finding A Place To Live"

Nov 30, 2018

21 Days Passive Income Lifestyle Makeover


Gimme 21 days...and I'll help bring you closer to your passive income lifestyle

Continue reading "21 Days Passive Income Lifestyle Makeover"

Nov 30, 2018

Starting Your Business And Passive Income Journey


Starting your business and passive income journey can be scary, but we've got to start somewhere...

Continue reading "Starting Your Business And Passive Income Journey"

Where to next?

A) Take a look at my Books and buy whichever interests you =)

B) Tools & Resources I use to improve my life

  1. Christianity: Bible Gateway & Verse of the day (free)
  2. Website + Digital Marketing for small / service business: Solo Build It
  3. Health: 
    a. Xtend Life Total Balance Men's Premium Multivitamins
    b. Xtend Life Kiwi Klenz (Gut Health) 
    c. VigRX Plus (Bigger, harder & long-lasting erections)
    d. Brita Everyday Elite Water Filter Pitcher / Jug

C) Topics & things that interest me

  1. Eternal life and salvation: Jesus Christ the Way, the Truth & the Life
  2. Fix Your Health: Get healthier, live longer, run faster, more energy, fuck more
  3. Passive Income Lifestyle: Build financial security by buying & building assets that provides you recurring passive income.
  4. Loving Relationships: Attract, build, grow & maintain relationships you love
  5. Leadership & Fatherhood: Leading by example, communication & consistency.
  6. Philanthropy: Giving to projects & people you care about.
  7. Active Philosophy: Conscious, Purposeful Faith, Hope & Love
  8. Productivity & Effectiveness: Doing what matters most with less and ease.
  9. Insure yourself and your loved ones (Health insurance is important)
  10. Add-on Adventures: Become rich and wealthy
  11. Add-on Adventures: Build businesses that adds positive value to your society and life
  12. Success Principles

D) Visit the Blog for latest articles and updates

E) Back to Homepage

Take action TODAY: One year from today, you'll be one year older. What would you have done by then?

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