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The Wealthiest Place In The World

This was first published on 14th March 2020, porting over from WordPress to this site.

#1 God’s Kingdom in Heaven is the very top of the list

The bible says:

  • God owns everything in the world, the animals, birds, the flowers – everything in the world (Psalm 50)
  • He created the world (Genesis 1)
  • Heaven has gates made of pearl and the streets were of pure gold (Revelation 21:21)
  • Only His Son, Jesus Christ, can bring true salvation to us

John 14:6 Amplified Bible (AMP) – Jesus said to him, “[a]I am the [only] Way [to God] and the [real] Truth and the [real] Life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

Add God's ability to create everything and anything by mere words - that makes God's Kingdom the wealthiest in the entire universe, including the world of course.

#2 Our Mind, Heart & Spirit

Lower and simple tiers, we can do things here and now.

An example is wanting to eat something, and we can cook/buy it on the spot. This is simple low hanging fruits, and don’t require much effort or faith.

We are created in the likeness, image and spirit of God, the Ultimate Architect and Creator, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He created everything in the world and universe, and because we are made in His image, we too share the same ability:

To imagine, visualize, create, to bring things to pass - we are able to bring whatever we want to pass – all we need is to believe, do and repeat until we get there.

What our mind can conceive, we can achieve, and this was shared by Walt Disney. It is just slightly lower than God’s ultimate, because God can speak and it’s immediately done (refer to Genesis, where God spoke the word, and it came to pass; and Jesus, where He speaks healing to people, set captives free, killing the barren olive plant etc).

Our ability to create has different tiers.

  1. Middle-level involves things that are slight stretch, but still reachable goals with more time involvement. An example is wanting to save say $1000, get a promotion – things that are just slightly more difficult than simple tiers, taking more time and effort, but usually can be achieved in less than 6 months to a year.

  2. Higher-level creation may is slightly more complex. It may involve multiple individuals, and takes more time, between 1 year or more. It can be saving $10,000 or more, losing/gaining 5-10 kgs of weight, starting your own business, publishing your own books etc

  3. Ultimate-level creations will be complex to very complex goals, involving groups of individuals/companies, and taking a lot more concerted cooperation and communication, and may take 3-5 or more years. It can be development projects that cost 7-10 figures, getting a spouse, etc.

These are the simplified Tiers Of Creation that we all have the innate ability to create.

#3 The Graveyard

Third on the list of the wealthiest place on earth, is the graveyard.

A little morbid, but it’s true. Point #3 is basically and extension of #2, where we have so much potential and ability to create…but what happens is that so many of us,

  • get/are too busy to do what is truly inside of us
  • get/are too scared to do what is truly inside of us
  • get/are too scarred to do what is truly inside of us

By theory, the graveyard should be #2 because there are so many of us who died with dreams, buried in the graveyard.

And the “truly inside of us” thing?

To me, it refers to our

  • Inner Genius
  • Book/Song/Creation Inside
  • We all have our inner greatness, genius, book, song, teachings – whatever that God had placed in our hearts, souls and minds.

    But many fail to do. Many forget who they are and these inner greatness and inner genius.

    Let’s not live like that.

    Let’s not live in fear.

    Yes, I get that we have to put roof over our head, and food on the table.

    Yes, we need to live.

    But we cannot live like animals or mindless creatures. And neither can we live in darkness by lying, killing, cheating one another (like how I’d come across individuals and organizations who had lied and manipulated us to get what they want, even to the point of rewriting history).

    Today, choose life and choose to improve yourself and your life.

    • Call your loved ones to tell them you’re thinking of them, and if there’s anyone you hadn’t spoken to because of distance or argument, call them. Tell them you thought about them and you wish them well. Do this now.
    • Forgive yourself for all the mistakes you had made before. It’s ok, that’s how we learn isn’t it? What’s more important is we don’t continue to make the same mistakes.
    • Stop complaining and stop watching television or netflix.
    • Save at least 25% of your take home salary. Put it into a high-interest bank account with no debit/ATM card, and let it accumulate. If you don’t have a job, focus on getting a job first.
    • Learn to build a profitable side hustle physically or on the internet.
    • Walk for at least 60 minutes a day, by stopping further from work and home. Drink 8 glasses of plain water daily. Read a book a week.
    • Be kind and do good, with at least a random act of kindness daily.

    Commentary 22nd August 2024

    This was a fun read - funnily enough I remember writing this (of course I did, I wrote it, duh!), and I wrote it after hearing a speaking saying that the richest place on earth is the graveyard, and I realized how true that was.

    Yes, many of us bury our dreams, especially parents who got busy parenting and raising the little ones. With these special little ones, and myself include which I have 3 of them, I have less choice.

    I HAVE to provide and work and make sure they can go to school, eat, study, have a life and an opportunity to have a better future than me...whilst balancing parenting and not messing fathering up.

    Because of that, I naturally drop the less than useful non-productive habits such as watching television or netflix for hours, as I simply dont have the luxury of time for that unless I'm hanging out with them.

    That being said, I still set aside some time for myself to read, and now to write here in nigelchua.com, and will be focusing on both nigelchua.com and writing KDP books for a side hustle so that I can decrease my active in-clinic working hours to earning more passive income from KDP sales (hopefully).

    This is me speaking with 3 young ones and a business that takes quite a lot of my time haha, and I can say the same for you. Dont waste time and dont let your time, talent and genius that God gave you to be wasted whenever you can.

    It's never too late to start, and you need to start it even though you dont know exactly where and how to start. Take that first step.

    Where to next?

    A) Take a look at my Books and buy whichever interests you =)

    B) Tools & Resources I use to improve my life

    1. Christianity: Bible Gateway & Verse of the day (free)
    2. Website + Digital Marketing for small / service business: Solo Build It
    3. Health: 
      a. Xtend Life Total Balance Men's Premium Multivitamins
      b. Xtend Life Kiwi Klenz (Gut Health) 
      c. VigRX Plus (Bigger, harder & long-lasting erections)
      d. Brita Everyday Elite Water Filter Pitcher / Jug

    C) Topics & things that interest me

    1. Eternal life and salvation: Jesus Christ the Way, the Truth & the Life
    2. Fix Your Health: Get healthier, live longer, run faster, more energy, fuck more
    3. Passive Income Lifestyle: Build financial security by buying & building assets that provides you recurring passive income.
    4. Loving Relationships: Attract, build, grow & maintain relationships you love
    5. Leadership & Fatherhood: Leading by example, communication & consistency.
    6. Philanthropy: Giving to projects & people you care about.
    7. Active Philosophy: Conscious, Purposeful Faith, Hope & Love
    8. Productivity & Effectiveness: Doing what matters most with less and ease.
    9. Insure yourself and your loved ones (Health insurance is important)
    10. Add-on Adventures: Become rich and wealthy
    11. Add-on Adventures: Build businesses that adds positive value to your society and life
    12. Success Principles

    D) Visit the Blog for latest articles and updates

    E) Back to Homepage

    Take action TODAY: One year from today, you'll be one year older. What would you have done by then?

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